

Libri per collezionisti: Collectible American Yo-Yos

Collectible American Yo-Yos – Historical reference & value guide – by Christopher Cook – 1997 – pag. 126
#  ISBN-10:  0891457615
#  ISBN-13:  9780891457619
#  Editore:  Collector Books

Anche questo e’ un libro da possedere per un collezionista di yoyo, ma decisamente inferiore a quello di Lucky J. Meisenhemer. Il libro ha una sola sezione; gli yoyo vengono presentati in successione con desrizione, immagine e quotazione, in ordine alfabetico per produttore.

un lettore Amazon che sostanzilmente concorda con la mia valutazione:

I agree with most of the other reviews here, not too great. I got this at the same time I got Lucky’s Collectors Guide to 20th Century Yo-Yos and I have to say it is a pale shadow of luckys book. Chriss Cooks book can’t have more than 40 or 50 yo-yos listed, in comparison Lucky’s Collectors Guide has photos of over 1000 yo-yos, and thousands of prices, extensive history. Heck, its amost a half inch thicker and its 8-1/2×11 inchs Its huge. I think I would have liked this book a lot if I had not seen Lucky’s Collectors Guide.

posted by maur5454 in Libri per Collezionisti and have No Comments

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